As much as the Republicans like to say that they are the war presidents, and that Democrats can't be trusted to protect America, we'll allow history to be the judge. Excluding wars that we went into under false pretenses (Gulf War II and Spanish-American War), it is usually the Democrat who calls on troops to go into harm's way to protect America. Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, led us into World War I. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Democrat and, in my opinon, best president of the 20th century, led us into World War II, and his successor, Harry Truman, led us out. John F. Kennedy saw us through the Cuban Missile Crisis, and Lyndon Johnson led us into Vietnam. Bill Clinton led us into Kosovo to help the peacekeeping operations, with no American deaths. And yet, whenever the Democrat leads us to war, the Republican media dismisses the war and says it was the wrong thing to do. However, whenever a Democrat opposes a Republican war, like the War in Iraq, the Republicans dismiss them as traitors. What blatant hypocrisy! Using their logic, we're all traitors, and we all hate America, which I know for a fact to be untrue. And yes, you may say that the Republicans have led us into war as well, but I believe that one of the Republican wars in particular sent the wrong message. It was Reagan's invasion of Grenada, which happened soon after a bombing in Beirut, Lebanon that left more than 200 dead. The message to the terrorists being, "If you attack us, we attack a ClubMed." I think that's the wrong message, don't you? For the record, I support the decision Bush Sr. made in going to Kuwait's rescue, and I support Bush Jr.'s Afghanistan War. But the Bush administration lied to us about WMD. But we'll get into that another time.