Exactly as the title says, a moderate Democrat's blog. If you're fed up with the way that the poor and middle-class are being treated by the CEO's, or if you're sick of the slime being thrown by the parties, you'll like this blog.
by Hunter Fast
Published on September 26, 2004 By GoauldMaster In Democrat
As much as the Republicans like to say that they are the war presidents, and that Democrats can't be trusted to protect America, we'll allow history to be the judge. Excluding wars that we went into under false pretenses (Gulf War II and Spanish-American War), it is usually the Democrat who calls on troops to go into harm's way to protect America. Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, led us into World War I. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Democrat and, in my opinon, best president of the 20th century, led us into World War II, and his successor, Harry Truman, led us out. John F. Kennedy saw us through the Cuban Missile Crisis, and Lyndon Johnson led us into Vietnam. Bill Clinton led us into Kosovo to help the peacekeeping operations, with no American deaths. And yet, whenever the Democrat leads us to war, the Republican media dismisses the war and says it was the wrong thing to do. However, whenever a Democrat opposes a Republican war, like the War in Iraq, the Republicans dismiss them as traitors. What blatant hypocrisy! Using their logic, we're all traitors, and we all hate America, which I know for a fact to be untrue. And yes, you may say that the Republicans have led us into war as well, but I believe that one of the Republican wars in particular sent the wrong message. It was Reagan's invasion of Grenada, which happened soon after a bombing in Beirut, Lebanon that left more than 200 dead. The message to the terrorists being, "If you attack us, we attack a ClubMed." I think that's the wrong message, don't you? For the record, I support the decision Bush Sr. made in going to Kuwait's rescue, and I support Bush Jr.'s Afghanistan War. But the Bush administration lied to us about WMD. But we'll get into that another time.
on Sep 26, 2004
Wars are gender and politically neutral. They are fought to take turf or defend turf. I believe we are
fighting this one to defend turf (the USA). We may not fight where you prefer but you are not
in the drivers seat here. The man in charge is in charge. Vote him out if you wish, but playing the
blame card helps no one.
on Sep 26, 2004
I'm trying to make the point that whatever war a Democratic president endorses (like the war in Kosovo), the Republicans denounce. Same with wars endorsed by Republican presidents.
on Sep 26, 2004
The War in Iraq was an error because it diverted resources from the real danger - international terrorism. Rogue states do not pose a danger to the US but international terrorists do and because they do not have a country to loose, we must conduct the fight aginst terrorist cells not countries like Iraq. Bush does not understand the difference. We have not only diverted our resources but have provided the terrorists resons to use with more moderate Moslem groups in their quest to get more followers. If you want to learn the real truth about the policies we are following, read "Four More For George W?" It is on the Web at www.authorhouse.com or toll free at 888-280-7715.
on Sep 26, 2004
The message being aped by the Left at this point is the same message used by enemy propagandists in every recent war. You seem to be a student of history, go back and read the transcripts of Tokyo Rose's or Hanoi Hanna's radio shows. They play like a Micheal Moore movie. Things are really going badly, we're being lied to, they make up the victories, the war is unjust, you are dying for nothing...

This similarity simply cannot be overlooked. It is a tactic that WORKS; it undermines the morale of the military and nation as a whole. What do you call people that demoralize and splinter a nation during a time of war for personal gain? I call them traitors.
on Sep 26, 2004
I never said that they made up the victories, nor did I say that the war was totally unjust or that our troops were dying for nothing. As a matter of fact, I hummed "Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead" when I heard that al-Zarqawi was killed. Secondly, Saddam was evil. Very evil. And I'm glad we got him. I'm just angry that the American people were lied to about why we were going to war. If Bush said "Saddam is evil, we're going to take him down." or something like that, I would have supported the Iraq War. But he didn't say that. At least, not at first. He said we were going in to find al Qaeda links and stop Saddam from using weapons of mass destruction. Both turned out to be nonexistent. Also, I know of no Democrat who criticizes the war for political gain. They criticize the war because they believe that the reasons for the war were untrue. And they were.
on Sep 26, 2004
"As a matter of fact, I hummed "Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead" when I heard that al-Zarqawi was killed."

You mean you WILL do it, when it happens? He just beheaded someone else a couple of days ago.

" Also, I know of no Democrat who criticizes the war for political gain. "

That is insane. You think Kerry says the things he says to crowds just because he feels strongly abou them? , come on. Every word out of that man's mouth is the product of a group of people designing exactly what they think will play to the exact people he is talking to, and that will have the exact effect they want to cause. Kerry wants us to be demoralized about Iraq. He calls the President inept regarding a WAR that is being fought. He insults the interim leader of that nation, degrading his credability in an already difficult tenure. He highlights ever mishap, ignores every success, and capitalizes on ever horror. His goal is to undermind Bush's efforts to keep the American people united behind the effort. His acts are treasonous.
on Sep 26, 2004
No, al-Zarqawi's followers beheaded someone. al-Zarqawi was killed in a missile strike four or five days ago. As for the second part, I guess that was a misfire. The first part of my point remains valid.
on Sep 26, 2004
"Every word out of that man's mouth is the product of a group of people designing exactly what they think will play to the exact people he is talking to, and that will have the exact effect they want to cause."

Two words: Karl Rove
on Sep 26, 2004
GoualdMaster: He's still around . . . Link

on Sep 26, 2004
" No, al-Zarqawi's followers beheaded someone. al-Zarqawi was killed in a missile strike four or five days ago. "

Could you point out a news item to that effect? I find it really, really hard to believe with as much as I watch and read that I would have missed that. Not saying you are wrong, but I find it odd that you are the only person I am hearing about it from.

"Two words: Karl Rove"

Pfft. Kerry, again, is trying to undermine the authority of the President and demoralize the American people regarding Iraq. He called the President 'inept', questioned the motives of Iraq's new leader, and has at every step tried to portray the Iraq war as meaningless and poorly handled. Why? Because he wants power, and is willing to degrade his nation's will to get it. Treasonous behavior, imho.
on Sep 27, 2004
Several groups in Iraq, as well as parts of the Iraqi government, claimed that al-Zarqawi was killed. That turned out to be false, even though sixteen of his followers were indeed killed in that missile strike. As for the Karl Rove thing, I was simply stating that it's a little hypocritical to complain that Kerry tailors his speeches to his audience when Bush does that all the time. Also, Kerry is not degrading the United States. He is simply stating that Bush lied on Iraq. Bush wanted power enough to have his political allies suppress minority votes in Democratic areas. Treasonous behavior.
on Nov 07, 2004
I agree - democrats have led us through some difficult times, as opposed to Republicans, especially George W, who had led us INTO difficult times.
I say the choice is ours, plan for 2008.

URL - http://www.cafepress.com/clintonisback