Exactly as the title says, a moderate Democrat's blog. If you're fed up with the way that the poor and middle-class are being treated by the CEO's, or if you're sick of the slime being thrown by the parties, you'll like this blog.
GoauldMaster's Articles In Democrat
September 23, 2004 by GoauldMaster
The Republicans totally misrepresented what the Estate Tax was when they were presenting their case for its abolition. They said that it was oppressive on small business owners and family farmers. What they neglected to mention, however, was that, according to the IRS, only the top 2% of estates would be affected by the Estate Tax at all. They said that by abolishing the Estate Tax, they were helping average people. However, the abolition of the Estate Tax is far more likely to help Paris Hil...
September 26, 2004 by GoauldMaster
As much as the Republicans like to say that they are the war presidents, and that Democrats can't be trusted to protect America, we'll allow history to be the judge. Excluding wars that we went into under false pretenses (Gulf War II and Spanish-American War), it is usually the Democrat who calls on troops to go into harm's way to protect America. Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, led us into World War I. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Democrat and, in my opinon, best president of the 20th century, led...